Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Are you there, adolescence? It's me, Marie.

Apparently I'm trying to become my 12-year-old self again. At the end of last year I got glasses again (just for driving and seeing faraway things, mind you). And this morning I just had braces put back on. I have a snaggle tooth that needs help before it becomes perpendicular to my other teeth.

All I need now is to break out in zits, feel incredibly awkward around boys and say stupid things in social situations, and I'm back to 12. Oh wait . . .


Jonna said...

Where's a pic of the braces? If you need some zits, I've still got plenty of those...

dkeaquinto said...

Hold on, didn't you get Lasik? I'm freakin' out a little since I had my eyes lasered about 4 years ago. And about braces, don't worry I still wear a retainer...